
I’m constantly amazed at how much motorcycles can teach a person. And how much I learn from other riders. Although I’m a relatively new rider in practice, I’m also someone with a childhood curiosity who grew up and finally got their dream.

I wish that everyone who had even the tiniest interest in motorcycles could have chance to learn how to ride. That’s why you’ll find beginner-friendly info on this site.

New York City bikers have a special place in my heart. We put up with a lot for the privilege of riding here. I want to do my part in promoting motorcycling in NYC: the joys, the thrills, the community, the ups, the downs.

My β€œnormie” friends (love you!) can only hear me talk about motos for so long on any given day. So, here we are. Who are the biggest nerds if not bike nerds? This is my motorcycle outlet, creative + community space, a place where I can geek out on all things moto.

Thanks for stopping by.

- Apneet